Friday, March 25, 2011

ColdFusion Interview Question Part 4

1. How one can provide secured internet applications using adobe ColdFusion?
  • Memory leak during transmit of information
  • Impersonation which is like an exact clone which enters as legitimate
  • Unauthorized access
These mechanisms are handled by adobe by using Data encryption, User Authentication and Access control.

2. Explain the structure of Cold fusion?
ColdFusion is implemented on the J2EE. J2EE is a standard, it is not a programming language. J2EE is an implementation of the Java programming language, but includes a number of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for connecting to databases, queuing messages, connecting to registries and naming and directory services.
All of these APIs are used by coldfusion for many of its base services and other runtime services.

ColdFusion consists of following components:
  • cf script
  • CFML
  • ColdFusion Administrator
  • Verity Search Server
3. What is CFCHART engine?
This CFCHART provides more than 200 different attributes which can be altered and these attributes can be used to control animation, labels, and colors. This CFCHART engine is used to produce high quality graphs, charts, sketches, and these charts can also aid you in Business analysis. These charts aid you very much in developing a good business presentation as you can control every part of it.
4. What are the benefits of multiple server instances?
The benefits of multiple server instances are, a single server is enough to deploy a host of applications which makes it highly applicable this was not the case when MX7 was present. Applications running on a server need not be stopped for maintenance as the work and load is shared upon multiple servers. Security, optimized applications and clustering are some of the main benefits of Adobe cold fusion multiple server instances.
5. What are the two primary types of files in a cold fusion application?
There are two primary types of file systems in ColdFusion which are used extensively they are Coldfusion templates and coldfusion pages. Developers in addition to these use CFML. These can contain HTML and often CFML for Dynamic content.
6. Can we modify ColdFusion server code and what are the two open source CFML parsing engines?
Server code of ColdFusion cannot be viewed or modified. The language of ColdFusion itself is documented and subjected to rights laid down by adobe. The two open source engines which are parsing ColdFusion’s markup languages are Blue dragon and Smith project. Blue dragon is a J2EE version.
7. What is Web Server?
A computer that delivers (serves up) Web pages. Every Web server has an IP address and possibly a domain name. For example, if you enter the URL in your browser, this sends a request to the server whose domain name is The server then fetches the page named index.html and sends it to your browser.

Any computer can be turned into a Web server by installing server software and connecting the machine to the Internet. There are many Web server software applications, including public domain software from NCSA and Apache, and commercial packages from Microsoft, Netscape and others.

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