Friday, March 25, 2011

ColdFusion Interview Question Part 2

1. Explain about ColdFusion administrator?
ColdFusion administrator is a web based application just like the Cpanel this has many sub options through which you can control many functions such as data sources, global server settings, debugging settings, and application security settings. If you are having multiple administrator services then password must be provided for all those services. Also multiple user instances are provided where by a server can be split into cluster of Coldfusion administrators where a specific work can be provided to a specific individual who cannot alter changes.
2. What is CFAbort?
  • Stops the processing of a ColdFusion page at the tag location.
  • ColdFusion returns to the user or calling tag everything that was processed before the cfabort tag.
  • You can optionally specify an error message to display using showError attribute. 
  • The tag is often used with conditional logic to stop processing a page when a condition occurs.
3. What is SaveContent?
  • Used to save the generated content to a variable, including the results of evaluating expressions and executing custom tags.
  •  This tag requires an end tag.
  • Main usage of savcontent is cache partial pages.
4. How can you connect with database from Coldfusion?
  • Database manipulation tags (cfquery, cfstoredproc, cfinsert, cfupdate) have an attribute called datasource which used to identify/connect to a database.
  • Data sources can be defined in CF administrator section.
5. What is Flash form?
  • Flash form is a form like ordinary HTML form, with flash format which run on flash player enabled browsers.
  • Using cfform tag CF automatically generates the swf format form's Flash binary from your CFML code.
  • Flash Forms can be used to create a better forms experience for your users. 
  • These features include accordion-style and multiple-tab form panes and automatic element positioning.
  • You can also display cftree, cfgrid, and cfcalendar form elements as Flash
6. Describe about string encryption?
CFML language provides a 32 bit encryption which is symmetric key based. This function is called as Encrypt. Cold fusion at present uses 32 bit encryption but if your application requires 1024 bit encryption you can happily use that function because cold fusion integrates with third party libraries. Cold fusion also uses Hash function which is very important in safeguarding passwords. They use MD5 and XOR based algorithm.
7. Is it possible to write cold fusion in cold fusion?
No it is not possible to write ColdFusion in ColdFusion. Actually ColdFusion was written in Java and to write programs we need to implement other kinds of programs such as Java, .NET etc. These programs are required because ColdFusion alone cannot survive.  

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