Friday, March 25, 2011

ColdFusion Interview Question Part 1

1. What exactly is ColdFusion?
Cold fusion is the only software which helps the programmer to develop dynamic websites with backend database. ColdFusion is the only website which helps in developing dynamic websites. This is useful in software development. This has an application server and software development framework which greatly aid in developing computer software.
 2. What is CFFlush?
The first occurrence of this tag on a page sends back the HTML headers and any other available HTML. Subsequent cfflush tags on the page send only the output that was generated after the previous flush.
When you flush data, ensure that enough information is available, as some browsers might not respond if you flush only a small amount. Similarly, set the interval attribute for a few hundred bytes or more, but not thousands of bytes.
Use the interval attribute only when a large amount of output will be sent to the client, such as in a cfloop or a cfoutput of a large query. Using this form globally (such as in the Application.cfm file) might cause unexpected errors when CFML tags that modify HTML headers are executed.
3. Describe in detail about programming details in ColdFusion?
ColdFusion differs from major languages such as JSP, ASP.NET or PHP due to its associated scripting language and ColdFusion markup language. The syntax closely resembles to HTML. This language supports server side Action script and embedded scripts which can be written in ColdFusion script. This script is used for data driven websites. This technology also supports languages such as Flex which is used for client side scripting. This has many interfaces embedded in it which allows for services such as SMS and instant messaging.
4. What is the difference between HTMLEditFormat and HTMLCodeFormat?
Difference between HTMLCodeFormat function and HTMLEditFormat is that HTMLEditFormat does not surround the text in an HTML pre tag

5. What is CFQueryparam? What is the use?
  • It separates parameters from the surrounding SQL.
  • It allows the database’s SQL analyzer to more efficiently handle the SQL statement
  • It validates data for the parameters which used to avoid SQL injection attacks.
6. Explain about some of the features present in ColdFusion MX7?
This edition from adobe was named as Macromedia ColdFusion MX7. Some of the features which are present are web forms, Xforms, adobe acrobat friendly report builder, flash, excel and rich text format style. This edition of cold fusion provided Gateways which helped in connecting various services such as IM, SMS, etc.
7. Describe about Clustering.
In previous installations of Adobe cold fusion multiple servers were required to run the application but adobe cold fusion 8 mitigated the problem by clustering Coldfusion into multiple physical installations which take over the load if any application fails during its course of time. This also allows in easy maintenance and possible reduction in maintaining multiple servers. This was made possible by J2EE server.

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