Friday, March 25, 2011

ColdFusion Interview Question Part 3

1. What is cold fusion component roles implementation?
Cold fusion component roles implementation allows users to log into their role based administrator support function and not any other function. If a user tries to enter into other functions an error is thrown. These roles and components are taken by the Cold fusion. These roles and functions are transmitted through action script which allows the users to work on their components.
2. How can you create dynamic query?
  • Dynamic SQL is a SQL code that your program generates using variables before the SQL is executed.
  • In coldfusion, CFQUERY give full provision to write all conditional logic & looping to derive the dynamic sql statement to execute.
  • You can use dynamic SQL to accomplish tasks such as adding WHERE clauses to a search based on the fields that the user filled out on a search criteria page.
3. State and explain about integrating Coldfusion applications with JSP.
A cold fusion page can contain JSP or a servlet and a JSP page can contain Coldfusion applications. This facilitates easy access to build hybrid functions and applications which can combine coldfusion components and servlets.

4. Explain about enterprise manager?
Enterprise manager helps you in admin functions. This will help you to create multiple cf server instances, through which you can experience advanced security, performance, and savings.

5. What are the different types of resources through which cold fusion can communicate?
  • Mobile phones that support SMS
  • XMPP or Lotus IM clients
  • Java sockets
  • Java messaging service
  • Content management systems and file systems
6. What is Application Server?
A server that exposes business logic to client applications through various protocols including HTTP, HTTPS, IIOS/SSL. Eg: Sun Java Application server, weblogic server
It takes care of important issues like Transaction Management, Security, Database Connection Pooling, Clustering, Scalability,session management,load balancing,thread management and Messaging etc. A web server cannot provide these.
7. What is the benefit of extensible gateway architecture?
Developers can benefit from extensible gateways by limitless variety of emerging protocols. Developers can benefit by the creation of event gateways.

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